Saturday, July 4, 2015

This is a serious scientific site with a hypostasis that our universe resides in a computer. I am looking for QUALITY feedback and info from OPEN MINDED scientists and intelligent laypersons.
Mystery 1,  Big Bang
Mystery 2,  quantum mechanics
Mystery 3, what is gravity, and         where is it coming from.

1. From inside of an empty 3D space, the computer displayed the first content of the simulator. Emitters from the inner wall were aimed at the center. Plasma was shot from all locations. This produced a hot dense and amazingly compact mass.
2. The computer's quantum structure was put in place in the early universe.
3. The connections to the universe, quantum gravity waves, was established.1
Most large objects in the universe are spherical. The reason is because the gravity comes from a sphere! All surfaces received gravity at basically even strength. NO WAY can gravity come from inside the universe! (Projection path and uniform readings) Also, gravity IS QUANTUM waves (gravitons) because it is projecting matter. The GRACE program indicates this relationship of matter, in the earth, to gravity. Since gravitons are going downward, they change the earth's matter, not the reverse.

The 3 mysteries are solved. Our universe can only come from a computer.(My belief.)

1. The quantum wave needs some clarification. There are no curved space causing gravity, and partical exchange won't work either. In the classic physics days, there were no REAL computers, like today. So they could not even imagine gravity waves coming from an external simulator.

1 comment:

  1. The first posts is outdated, but it is ok as a start.
