Sunday, April 8, 2018

Can life began all by itself? Kinda But it won't go anywhere. Scientists have made organic molecules. But it still won't go anywhere: unless the scientists have a plan and knew what steps to follow. They don't. From the big bang to your body: a computer must be the creator. The scientists are working at it.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

New evidence

Some new evidence. Pieter van Dokkum and his Yale group has discovered that Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 has no, or little dark matter. He finds it strange. I know that the universe started in an empty spherical picture tube. So the dark property may be separate from the projected universe. Scientists still don't know what dark matter is. It makes up about 85% of the universe.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Many new facts about the computer universe

Life can never start by itself. An amino acid chain, in a precise order, has to come together at exactly the same time. Even so, it needs other chains close by to build proteins. This improbable start would quickly disintegrate. Time and the number of interactions wouldn't make a difference. And you would need a plan to design the first cells. You see what I mean. From the big bang to humans can NEVER NEVER EVER EVER happen ALL BY ITSE
UPDATE 3-22-18
It's ridiculous to think the universe came into existence and evolved ALL BY ITSELF. OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT OUR UNIVERSE IS INSIDE A COMPUTER
An amazingly compact mass appears as if it was shot to the center, 360 degrees, from the wall of a sphere, causing the big bang.
QUANTUM GRAVITY comes from out of the universe: 360 degrees, 3 dimensional, to form the mass of the Earth. "ESA's GOCE and NASA-German partnership’s GRACE satellites show that the world's gravitational field spins with the Earth. Otherwise, it would not be possible to make a meaningful gravity map with remote sensing." (Facebook post by Ahmet Yalcin)
This means that quintum gravity beams are projecting distinct matter on a 360 degrees, 3 dimensional plane from a spherical enclosure surrounding the universe. No matter what rotational position the Earth is in, gravity will be sending the exact mass to form that location on the planet. It verifies my evidence. It also relates to where the big bang came from.
Helen Quinn's book, THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING ANTIMATTER, states that antimatter is a reflection. If so, then there must be a projection of matter, which is quintum gravity (pixels). Therefore, antimatter is not a MISSING twin particle, but the same particle reflected. The incoming pixels collide with the reflected ones and they annihilate?
99.999999999 % of the mass in the universe is empty. We are an illusion.
The universe is dark because we are in a spherical picture tube.
The universe is airless because we are in a spherical picture tube.
Particles instantaneously communicate with each other no matter the distance
We are starting to make quantum computers from the knowledge of our universe
DNA CODE has computer protocols and a sophisticated system against harmful mutations and most errors: can't evolve naturally
Darwin's natural evolution has been totally disproven. (Meyer)
Scientists are starting to use DNA as a computer
If natural, the universe should be surrounded by many other universes that would flood our universe with starlight all the time: but the universe is dark at night.
The universe computer projects the mass of an object, that remains in its present state, inertia, until acted upon by other matter. Put on the bobble screensaver on your PC.
A real motor is propelling some bacteria, programmed by DNA CODE from a computer
The probability that life arose all by itself is zero.
If natural, the universe should be full of life: over 50 years of searching:no life found
We are experimenting with DNA CODE to store vast amounts of information
We are starting to design microchips that imitate our brain functions
The universe has an intelligent purpose: evolve advance life, LIKE A COMPUTER
High tides and earthquakes are caused by quantum gravity passing through the Earth to form the moon
The real universe is very simple, with ONE force, quantum gravity, uniting everything: large and small

This all comes from 7 years of scientific research. I just put the pieces together like a good detective. More in debt info is available at my artificial universe group on g +
Your computer monitor is connected to a computer. The computer runs a program, and the results are displayed on the monitor screen. What you see is light images in 2 dimensions that display certain properties of the display content. A girl has blonde hair. A person that looks like Michael Jordan slam dunks a basketball. The universe computer displays 3 dimensional objects inside a spherical picture tube. What it is displaying is actual 3 dimensional objects that have all the properties of real matter. The flat 2 dimensional pixels are now displaying particles that are the result of 3 dimensional pixels intercepting at coordinates to form atoms, for instant. There is a big problem: on a 2 dimensional flat screen, all the pixels are being displayed in rows and they don't interfere with each other. But with a 3 dimensional display they interfere with each other. So they interact, like uniting our solar system. See the illustration. Of course time, distance, and size are adjustable in computer simulations. You can pause the virtual display/program for any repairs or adjustments, and the sim people would not be aware of this. Quantum gravity is the pixels that are the connection from the computer to the display. Also, the simulation is OPEN ENDED, which means that the final outcome is based upon all the interactions inside the sphere.
The obvious observation that I get from looking at the DNA is that it is structured in long strips.This allows four polynitrates to be read in sequence: forming codes.This is similar to the long lines of OFF and ON electrical impulses in our computer. Çodes mean intelligence. We are simulated.
The main evidence that we are computer generated is the fact that we exist. Some intelligence had us in their minds when they started the universe. Random evolution had the ingredients, but there has to be a plan, or purpose. And they made sex very enjoyable to make certain that the Earth was going to be well populated.